Designwerks - Roseville website design quote            var scroll_timer; var max_scroll_height = 1900; function ScrollUp() { scroll_timer = setInterval("MoveUp()", 1); } function ScrollDown() { scroll_timer = setInterval("MoveDown()", 1); } function StopScroll() { clearInterval(scroll_timer); } function MoveUp() { var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("scroll") + 4; document.getElementById("scroll") = x + "px"; if ( x >= 0) { document.getElementById("scroll") = 0; StopScroll(); } } function MoveDown() { var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("scroll") - 4; document.getElementById("scroll") = x + "px"; if ( x <= (max_scroll_height * -1)) { var newheight = max_scroll_height * -1; document.getElementById("scroll") = newheight + 'px'; StopScroll(); } }   new iCarousel("container", { animation: { type: "fade", transition: Fx.Transitions.linear, rotate: { type: "auto" } } });   /* example_6 css */ #example_6 { position: relative; /* important */ overflow: hidden; /* important */ width: 835px; /* important */ height: 540px; /* important */ margin: 0; background: #fff; } #example_6_content { position: absolute; top: 0; margin-left: 0; } #example_6_content li { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #example_6_content { width: 18400px; } #container_bd #example_6 ul li { display: block; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; background-color: #fff; } #container_bd #example_6 ul li img { display: block; } #example_6_frame { position: absolute; margin: 385px 131px 0 131px; } #container_bd #example_6_frame ul li { margin: 0 2px; } #container_bd #example_6_frame ul li img{ border: 1px solid #9cf; padding: 2px; } #container_bd #example_6_frame ul li img:hover {border: 1px solid #369;}   window.addEvent("domready", function() { var ex6Carousel = new iCarousel("example_6_content", { idPrevious: "example_6_previous", idNext: "example_6_next", idToggle: "undefined", item: { klass: "example_6_item", size: 839 }, animation: { type: "scroll", duration: 1000, amount: 1 } }); $("thumb0").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(0)}); $("thumb1").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(1)}); $("thumb2").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(2)}); $("thumb3").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(3)}); $("thumb4").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(4)}); $("thumb5").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(5)}); $("thumb6").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(6)}); $("thumb7").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(7)}); $("thumb8").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(8)}); $("thumb9").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(9)}); $("thumb10").addEvent("click", function(event){new Event(event).stop();ex6Carousel.goTo(10)}); });   AC_FL_RunContent( 'bgcolor', '#000000', 'allowFullScreen', 'false', 'salign', '' ); //end AC code      970 Reserve Dr, Suite 125, Roseville, CA 95678      "map it!"                         Have questions? call          P. 916.517.9855          F. 916.517.9855          E. [email protected]  HOME                 ABOUT                 SERVICES                 PORTFOLIO                 ARTICLES                 QUOTE                 CAREERS                 CONTACT   Copyright  © 2008 DESIGNWERKS MEDIA - seo web design - All Rights Reserved                         Web Design Sacramento | Web Design Roseville | Web Design Sacramento | Sacramento Web Designer                                                                   * Your Name:      * Your Email:      * Your Phone:      * Your State:      * Your Current Website:      * Your Company Name:   $100-$500   $500-$1000   $1000-$2500   $2500-$4000   $4000-$7000   $7000-$10000   $10000-$15000   $15000-$25000   Over       * Budget:          * Deadline:    Google Search   Yahoo Local   Google Places   Yelp   Yellow   Roseville Chamber   Referral   Other      * How you found Us?:        Areas of Interest. Check all that apply:          Custom Website & Re-design          SEO Services and or Consulting          Logo/Corporate ID/Business Stationary          Print Media (Sales Kits, Brochures, Mailers)          Flash & Interactive Media Presentations          Package Design and or Labeling          Web Marketing (Email, Blog, RSS, Podcasts)          Custom Programming, CMS, Software Development          Concept Art, Illustration, Matte Painting           Video Production, 3D Computer Animation for Web/Tv       *Your Comments / Questions:          Fields marked in   *RED are required