Designwerks - Web Applications Roseville       AC_FL_RunContent( 'bgcolor', '#000000', 'allowFullScreen', 'false', 'salign', '' ); //end AC code   var scroll_timer; var max_scroll_height = 550; function ScrollUp() { scroll_timer = setInterval("MoveUp()", 1); } function ScrollDown() { scroll_timer = setInterval("MoveDown()", 1); } function StopScroll() { clearInterval(scroll_timer); } function MoveUp() { var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("scroll") + 2; document.getElementById("scroll") = x + "px"; if ( x >= 0) { document.getElementById("scroll") = 0; StopScroll(); } } function MoveDown() { var x = parseInt(document.getElementById("scroll") - 2; document.getElementById("scroll") = x + "px"; if ( x <= (max_scroll_height * -1)) { var newheight = max_scroll_height * -1; document.getElementById("scroll") = newheight + 'px'; StopScroll(); } }                Web Applications    Take your site from bland to grand with one of our e-business solutions.   At Designwerks Media, we offer a wide variety of web applications to achieve a desired effect, special functionality or an additional integration of information. Our web applications are as easy as an internet contact us form, to as complex as a customer relationship management program. Because clients often want to showcase their architecture, interior designs, or cartoons in a image gallery or include a special news reel or commercial focused on their company, Designwerks offers such a broad scope of web applications.  Web applications add an extra element of penance and transforms an otherwise static web page into a dynamic and interactive site.  Choose from Designwerks Media’s most popular web applications:         - Sales / Response Forms         - Flash Animations         - Video Integration         - Surveys         - Forums        - Image & Video Galleries         - Slideshows        - Portfolios         - E-Commerce / Shopping Carts         - Databases        - Content Management Systems (CMS)        - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Or have Designwerks customize your own web application!       Get Started Now: Call us at   916.517.9855  to schedule your free consultation.               970 Reserve Dr, Suite 125, Roseville, CA 95678      "map it!"                         Have questions? call          P. 916.517.9855          F. 916.517.9855          E. [email protected]  HOME                 ABOUT                 SERVICES                 PORTFOLIO                 ARTICLES                 QUOTE                 CAREERS                 CONTACT   Copyright  © 2008 DESIGNWERKS MEDIA - seo web design - All Rights Reserved                         Web Design Sacramento | Web Design Roseville | Web Design Sacramento | Sacramento Web Designer                                                     Services -   Category -  Web Applications